Please check out our collection of interactive financial problem solvers. Choose a topic below by clicking on a bullet point that interests you. Enter your criteria and get your questions answered with a personalized report & dynamic graphs
Paycheck & Benefits Calculators
Retirement Calculators
- How much will I need to save for retirement?
- Are my current retirement savings sufficient?
- Social security retirement income estimator
- I'm retired, how long will my savings last?
- Compare a Roth 401(k) to a Traditional 401(K)
- What may my 403(b) be worth?
- What may my 457(b) be worth?
- What may my 401(k) be worth?
- How much retirement income may my 401(k) provide?
Qualified Plans Calculators
- Evaluate my company pension payout options
- How much can I contribute to an IRA?
- How much retirement income can my IRA provide?
- Should I convert to a Roth IRA?
- What is my projected required minimum distributions?
- What are my lump sum distribution options?
- I’m self-employed, how much can I contribute to a retirement plan?
- What are my Stretch IRA distributions?
- 72(t) early distribution analysis